Saturday, December 24, 2011

MTS Distribution 6 Setup for Hercules

With the MTS files laid out as follows:

Start Hercules

We will IPL off the disk (MTS600) which was assigned address 260, but first we need to start TN3270 so we have a console (I start two so I have an MTS terminal ready when the time comes).  The two 3270 screens will show Hercules info:
Hercules: "IPL 260"
In this set of screenshots I've given all the default answers:
Q27: What do the various PA, PF, and other keys on the MTS 3270 Operator's console do?

A27: PA1                    stops system status output (output from a /xxx command)
          PA2 or CNCL  is "Cancel"
          TEST-REQ      is "Pause"
          ENTER            sends an input line to the system
          CLEAR            refreshes or rewrites the screen
          PF keys            are shortcuts that enter predefined character strings 
                                     that may or may not be sent to the system as input, 
                                     if the lines are not sent automatically, they can be 
                                     sent by pressing the ENTER key. Use the %PF? command
                                     to display a list of PF key assignments.

Q28: How is the MTS Operator's Console used?

A28:  The screen has five areas: (1) the top two lines display system status load information; (2) the third line displays a list of status alerts that may be empty; (3) a message area in the middle displays messages and input requests from running jobs; (4) a request area near the bottom is used to: (i) start new jobs by entering the job name followed by zero or more parameters, (ii) enter HASP commands which start with a dollar sign ($), (iii) enter system status commands which start with a slash (/), and (iv) enter device commands which start with a percent sign (%); and (5) the last line where the "host" name, machine type, time, and date are displayed.  See pages 325 to 335 in the MTS Operator's Manual for more detailed information.
"** Just cancel ..." -- use the "PA2" key on the 3270 keyboard to cancel.
When you get to here, there's enough started that you can enable the interactive terminal devices: "mts *las"
... and the other 3270 screen (remember we started two) will leap into action.
When all is done, you need to take the system down gracefully, "shutdown all" at the console and wait till you get the message saying it's complete.  Then you can exit Hercules.

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